Invacare Mobility Aid TRx Power Positioning System User Manual |
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Important Information
(Please complete this information for your records
and for reference during any warranty claims.)
Motion Concepts
Serial Number:
(Serial Number is located on the
underside of the TRx seat frame)
Dealer: _______________________________
Address: _____________________________
Phone #: _____________________________
Purchase Date: _______________________
Power Base (Model): ___________________
TRD0000, TRx Owner’s Manual- Rev. 5.0, January 20, 2005
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Congratulations on your decision to purchase a
Motion Concepts TRx system. Our goal at Motion
Concepts is to provide you with the best possible
power positioning system. Our close work with
many health care professionals has given us an
understanding of the challenges that you may con-
front, and has enabled us to design systems that
will help to meet your individual positioning needs.
We are confident that you will be delighted with
your new positioning system and as you grow or
your needs change, your new TRx system will be
able to grow and change with you.
If you have any questions or comments, please
contact us by calling Motion Concepts USA toll free
at 1-888-433-6818 or Motion Concepts Canada at
1-866-748-7943. The more we are able to under-
stand your needs, the better we will be able to meet
This owner’s manual applies specifically to your TRx Power Positioning System. It is
important that you read and understand its contents. It is also very important that you
read and understand the owner’s manual provided with your power base.
Safety Symbols:
Using your TRx Power Positioning System safely depends upon your diligence in following the warnings,
cautions and information provided in this Owner’s Manual. Setting up and operating the system safely
also depends on your own good judgement and common sense, as well as that of your provider, care-
giver and/or health professional.
The symbols below are used throughout this manual to identify warnings, cautions and important notes.
It is very important for you to read and understand them completely.
CAUTION! Failure to heed the cautions in this Owner’s Manual may result in damage to your
TRx Power Positioning System.
WARNING! Failure to heed the warnings in this owner’s manual may result in personal injury.
Important! Important information to remember when operating your TRx system
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Table of Contents
Safety Symbols ..................................................................................... 2
1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................... 4
2.0 Important Information about your TRx System .................................. 5
Stability .............................................................................................................................
Batteries ............................................................................................................................
Weight Capacity ..............................................................................................................
Hardware ..........................................................................................................................
3.0 Safety Precautions ...............................................................................
4.0 Motor Vehicle Transportation ..............................................................
5.0 Power Positioning Functions ..............................................................
6.0 TRx Switches ........................................................................................ 10
Normal Mode vs. Auto-Reversing Mode ......................................................................... 10
TRx Switch Types ........................................................................................................... 11
7.0 Using the Power Base Joysticks: ........................................................ 12
7.1 Quickie Q-tronix Joystick ......................................................................................... 12
7.2 Pride Remote Plus Joystick ...................................................................................
7.3 Invacare MKIV A Joystick ......................................................................................
7.4 Invacare MKV- DPJ Joystick ..................................................................................
7.5 Invacare MKV- MPJ Joystick .................................................................................
8.0 Safety Lockout and Limit Switches ...................................................
9.0 General Maintenance & Safety ...........................................................
Maintenance Schedule ...................................................................................................
Safety Inspection Checklist ............................................................................................
Lubrication ......................................................................................................................
Battery Charging .............................................................................................................
Battery Testing ................................................................................................................
10.0 Troubleshooting Guide ........................................................................
11.0 Electro-Magnetic Interference ............................................................ 22
12.0 Disclaimer and Warranty Information ................................................ 24
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1.0 Introduction
About Concepts
Motion Concepts is a Toronto based company that designs and manufactures the TRx line of Power
Positioning Systems. These systems were developed to provide effective positioning and pressure reduc-
tion for a wide range of disabilities. The modular design incorporates Center of Gravity Tilt, Power Recline,
Extended Shear Reduction, Power Elevating Seats, Power Legrests, Auxiliary Vent and Power Systems.
These systems have been designed to easily install on most types of power bases.
Our Mission at Concepts
At Motion Concepts we recognize the importance of independence and function. We are a dynamic team
dedicated to service, manufacturing, and design excellence. We understand unique seating and position-
ing needs and continuously strive to enhance our clients’ quality of life.
Contact Us
Do you have a question, comment, or suggestion? Please send us an e-mail or write to us. Whether it
pertains to information contained in this Owners Manual or if it relates to the safety and reliability of your
TRx Power Positioning System, we want your feedback!
Attn: Customer Service
84 Citation Drive
Concord, Ontario
Canada, L4K 3C1
Attn: Customer Service
700 Ensminger Rd. Suite 112
Tonowanda, New York
USA, 14150
TRD0000, TRx Owner’s Manual- Rev. 5.0, January 20, 2005
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2.0 Important Information about your TRx System
Important: Do not ignore unanswered questions. You have the right to understand
the product and all aspects of its operation. If necessary, please contact Motion
Concepts for information regarding any questions or concerns expressed.
The most important link in the delivery chain is you, the end user. You must be satisfied with the product
in terms of function, safety and aesthetics. No sale is complete until you have received thorough training
in all aspects of the care and use of the system.
Motion Concepts Power Positioning Systems are designed to accommodate a wide range of user
needs. Only the dealer and the health care professional can ensure that the system meets your
individual requirements. It is the dealer’s responsibility to ensure that the wheelchair and the
power positioning system are set up properly and safely for your specific needs.
By changing your seating position (tilting, reclining, or elevating), you are changing the stability charac-
teristics of the wheelchair. It is very important that the system is set up so that it is stable in all seating
positions. When evaluating stability, remember the following:
Most TRx systems can be mounted onto the powerbase in various forward and aft positions. Make cer-
tain that the position selected provides you with maximum stability over the full range of seating positions.
Consider all personal gear and accessories (backpacks, vent systems, extra batteries, etc..) that will be
carried on the wheelchair. For example, a loaded backpack, attached to the back of the seating system,
can significantly reduce the rearward stability of your wheelchair.
Consider the backrest being used. For example, a recessed back can shift your center of gravity back and
significantly reduce the rearward stability of the wheelchair. Conversely, a thick back cushion will shift you
forward and reduce the wheelchairs forward stability.
If using a back other than Motion Concepts, check with manufacturer to ensure it is suitable for power
positioning system applications.
Consider the seat cushion being used. A thick seat cushion will raise your center of gravity and reduce the
wheelchairs stability in all directions.
All TRx systems are equipped with drive lockouts. Make sure this is set so as not to compromise your sta-
bility while driving.
All power-bases have programmable controllers which allow adjustment of the maximum acceleration and
deceleration of the wheelchair. Make sure that these are set to an appropriate level for the system and for
you, the user.
Ensure all medical conditions are considered when setting up your wheelchair. Involuntary muscle move-
ment such as spasms may affect the stability of the wheelchair, especially when the seating system is in
a tilted or reclined position.
When a system is fully tilted or reclined, the front wheels of the powerbase should never come off the
ground. If this occurs, please contact the Motion Concepts Technical Service Department immediately to
resolve the issue.
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2.0 Important Information about your TRx System
WARNING! For detailed information on the charging, handling and care of your powerbase batter-
ies, please be certain to read and carefully follow the instructions provided by the powerbase manufac-
turer and the battery charger manufacturer.
Important Information on Battery Charging:
DO NOT use the CHARGE LEVEL INDICATOR on a JOYSTICK DISPLAY to determine the existing battery
charge. The joystick display indicates SURFACE VOLTAGE only, and may not be the true charge. (This can
be likened to charging a cell phone; if placed on its charger for a brief time, a cell phone display will often indicate that
the batteries are fully charged, however the cell phone quickly goes dead once it is used).
Heavily depleted batteries require more time to recharge. Insufficient charge time may result in the supply of LOW
VOLTAGE BATTERY OUTPUT to the electronics of the power positioning system. Low voltage output can pro-
duce LONGER DUTY-CYCLES and OVERHEATING, which will REDUCE THE LIFE-CYCLE of these electronics.
Normal Charging: Allow eight (8) HOURS for normal charging. (Note: to prolong the life of a battery
frequent charging is recommended, rather than only charging when necessary).
Heavily Depleted Batteries: Severly discharged batteries may require in excess of sixteen (16)
HOURS to be properly charged and equalized. (Note: be certain to understand the charge status indicators on
the battery charger- refer to the charger manual).
Note: Smaller ON-BOARD CHARGERS are NOT SUFFICIENT to recharge rehab-style power products.
Batteries that require more frequent charging or take longer to charge than normal, may need to be replaced.
WARNING! The total user weight should never exceed the wheelchair weight capacity or the
power positioning system (PPS) weight capacity.
Several factors must be considered when determining the Total User Weight and the Wheelchair Weight
Capacity. To obtain the weight capacity data from the base manufacturer, please refer to your Powerbase
Owners Manual. Please refer to the Weight Capacity Calculator outlined below in order to calculate the
total user weight and the wheelchair weight capacity.
i) Power Positioning System (PPS) Weight
The weight of a specific power positioning system can be obtained from Motion Concepts by contacting
our Customer Service department*. Insert the PPS Weight into the Weight Capacity Calculator (p.7) to
verify that the Total User Weight does not exceed the calculated Wheelchair Weight Capacity.
*Note: If a suitable weight scale is available at the Dealer facility, the PPS Weight can be readily deter-
mined by simply weighing the TRx Seating System prior to installation.
ii) Power Positioning System (PPS) Weight Capacity
The weight capacity of the power positioning system can be obtained from Motion Concepts by contacting
our Customer Service department. Insert the specified PPS Weight Capacity into the Weight Capacity
Calculator (p.7) in order to verify that the Total User Weight does not exceed the PPS Weight Capacity.
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2.0 Important Information about your TRx System
iii) Weight Capacity Calculator
Calculating Wheelchair Weight Capacity:
Weight capacity of base manufacturer’s wheelchair (see Powerbase Owners Manual)
Weight of the original wheelchair seat that is being replaced
(if the original wheelchair seat is being re-installed, enter zero)
Weight of the TRx Power Positioning System (refer to p.6, i. PPS Weight)
Weight of auxiliary equipment (cushions, headrest, vent, vent battery, etc)
________ A
Wheelchair Weight Capacity
PPS Weight Capacity: (refer to p.6, ii. PPS Weight Capacity)
Calculating User Weight:
Weight of user (incl. clothing, footwear, jacket, etc)
Maximum Weight of personal gear (knapsack and contents, books, etc)
________ C
Total User Weight
must be less than A and C must be less than B
Important: If you have any concerns or questions regarding weight capacities, or if the total
User Weight is determined to be greater than the Wheelchair and/or PPS Weight Capacity,
please contact our Technical Service Department immediately
WARNING!: All hardware used by Motion Concepts in the manufacture of our TRx Power Positioning
Systems, as well as the hardware supplied to complete the installation of our seating systems, is high
strength. Do not substitute hardware. Use only the hardware supplied with the seating system.
Should you require any replacement hardware for your TRx seating system, please contact our Customer
Service Department for assistance.
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3.0 Safety Precautions
Important!- Motion Concepts disclaims all responsibility for any personal injury or damage
to property that occurs as a result of improper or unsafe use of the TRx system or the wheel-
chair on which the system is installed.
WARNING!: The following guidelines should be adhered to while operating your TRx
power positioning system to ensure safe operation:
ꢀ Never transfer in or out of your wheelchair with the power on.
ꢀ Always check your surroundings before operating your TRx system. Make sure that the way is
clear of obstructions through the full ranges of travel of the system before operating any func-
tion. Do not operate the system while it is underneath a table, desk, or other obstruction.
ꢀ Never operate your TRx system while driving your wheelchair.
ꢀ Never operate your TRx system while on an incline.
ꢀ Never drive your wheelchair with the drive lockout system disabled or set beyond the maximum
20 degrees.
ꢀ Never allow your TRx system to be used as a tie-down point in a vehicle.
ꢀ Never allow your wheelchair to be lifted by any part of the TRx System.
ꢀ If you have a system with anti-tipper lockouts, be aware of when these lockouts engage. Make
sure to drive very carefully when driving your wheelchair with the anti-tipper lockouts engaged.
For more information refer to Section 8.0- Safety Lockout and Limit Switches in this manual.
ꢀ When tilted or reclined back, prevent your arms from extending back beyond the backrest. This
could shift your center of gravity enough to cause the wheelchair to become unstable. (Read
and follow the warnings/specifications in your powerbase manual on the subject of leaning).
4.0 Motor Vehicle Transportation
WARNING!: Currently there are no standards approved for tie-down systems in a moving
vehicle of any type to transport a person while seated in a power wheelchair. Do not sit in
your wheelchair while it is in a moving vehicle. Although your chair may be equipped with a
positioning belt, this belt is not designed to provide proper restraint during motor vehicle
transport. Anyone travelling in a motor vehicle should be properly secured in the motor vehi-
cle seat with safety belts securely fastened.
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5.0 Power Positioning Functions
The tilt function causes the whole seat, including the back and armrests, to rotate back around a fixed pivot.
CG (Centre of Gravity) Tilt
The CG tilt function compensates for weight shift by sliding the pivot axis and entire seat assembly forward
as the seat tilts back.
The recline function causes the position of your back to change by changing the angle of the backrest with
respect to the seat pan.
The precline function is similar to the recline function, but depending on the system may allow up to 30° of
forward recline (creating a lean-forward position). The range of recline is decreased approximately by the
number of degrees of precline.
Anterior Tilt
The anterior tilt function causes the whole seat, including the back and armrests, to tilt forward around a
front pivot. The degree of anterior tilt available, up to a maximum tilt of 30°, will depend on the system.
This function aids in forward standing transfers.
Extended Shear Reduction (ESR)
ESR works in conjunction with recline to reduce the shear movement between you and the backrest. This
is accomplished using a linkage that slides the backrest down on the backposts as the back reclines.
Power Sliding Back (PSB)
The switch operated PSB allows the back height to be adjusted to improve positioning and shift body
weight. The PSB may also be synchronized to operate in conjunction with the recline function.
Power Elevating Seat (PES)
This functions allows you to elevate your entire seating system by up to 8 inches.
Power Elevating Legrests
There are 3 configurations for power legrests:
i) Combined: the legrest actuators are programmed to elevate in unison keeping your right and left
legs at the same height.
ii) Synchronized: the legrests actuators are programmed to elevate in conjunction with the power
recline function (Note: legrests can also be synchronized with power tilt if specified). The legrests
elevate automatically as the seating system reclines (or tilts).
iii) Independent: the legrest actuators are programmed to elevate separately to allow you to position
your right and left legs at different heights, independent from each other and the back position.
Pushrod Legrests (Mechanical)
The pushrod legrests are synchronized with the power recline and operate via a mechanical linkage. A
pushrod elevates the legrests automatically as the seating system reclines. No additional actuators are
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6.0 TRx Switches
Normal Mode vs. Auto-Reversing Mode
TRx Push Buttons and Toggles can be set up to operate in “Normal” or “Auto-Reversing” mode.
i) Normal Mode: two switches are required for each function, one for each direction.
ii) Auto-Reversing Mode: only one switch is required for each function. In this mode, pressing
the switch once will activate the function; releasing the switch, waiting for two seconds and then
pressing it again, will cause the reverse direction of this function to occur.
Tables A. and B. below show a comparison of Normal Mode vs. Auto-Reversing Mode when using a tog-
gle and/or a push button to control the tilt function of a power positioning system.
Table A. - Using a single toggle to control the tilt function:
Pulling the toggle back will cause the seat to tilt
Normal Mode
back. Pushing the toggle forward will cause the
seat to tilt forward.
Pushing the toggle forward will cause the seat to tilt
back. Releasing the toggle to its rest position, wait-
ing for two seconds, and pushing it forward again,
will cause the seat to tilt forward. (This set-up allows
the rearward (pulled back) toggle direction to be used for
a separate power positioning function (e.g. Recline)
Table B. - Using a dual push button to control the tilt function:
Pushing the first button will cause the seat to tilt
Normal Mode
back. Pushing the second button will cause the
seat to tilt forward.
Pushing the first button will cause the seat to tilt
back. Releasing the button (rest position), waiting
for two seconds, and pushing the same button
again, will cause the seat to tilt forward. (This set-up
allows the second push button to be used for a separate
power positioning function (e.g. Recline)
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6.0 TRx Switches
TRx Switch Types
Push Button Switches
The push button switches come in singles, and
sets of two and four. To activate the function
simply hold the button down. The motion will
stop when the button is released. Two buttons
are required for each function in “Normal” mode,
and one button is required for each function in
“Auto-Reversing” mode.
Single Button
Dual Button
Four Button
Single Toggle
This type of switch is capable of operating one
function in “Normal” mode and two functions in
“Auto-Reversing” mode.
Dual Toggle
This type of switch is capable of operating two
functions in “Normal” mode and four functions in
“Auto-Reversing” mode.
Four-Way Toggle
This type of switch is capable of operating two
functions in “Normal” and four functions in
“Auto-Reversing” mode.
Eight-Way Toggle
This type of switch is capable of operating four
functions in “Normal” and eight functions in
“Auto-Reversing” mode.
Heavy Duty Toggle
This type of switch is capable of operating one
function in “Normal” mode.
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7.0 Using the Power Base Joysticks
7.1 Using the Quickie Q-TRONIX Remote Joystick
The remote joystick connects to the Q-Tronix Controller, which in turn controls the performance of the
power base. By pressing down and releasing the on/off mode select toggle switch, the controller is
placed in the standard drive selection mode. To place the controller in the power positioning
mode, the on/off mode select toggle switch must be pulled up twice. The power positioning options
are selected by using the left and right directions on the joystick. The power positioning function that
is selected will be highlighted on the actuator lights (see chart). To operate the selected power posi-
tioning function, the forward and reverse directions on the joystick are used. To return to the standard
drive selection mode, the on/off mode select toggle switch must be pulled up once again.
Note: Please refer to the Quickie Owners Manual for complete joystick set-up and operating instructions.
Actuator Light
Right Legrest
Left Legrest
Both Legrests
Elevating Seat
*Push forward on joystick to tilt and pull back on the joystick to recline
(i.e. operates in “auto-reversing mode”)
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7.0 Using the Power Base Joysticks
7.2 Using the (Pride) PG Remote Plus Joystick
The Remote Plus system operates via a joystick that is connected to a controller box on the power
base. The controller contains the primary electronics that operate the power base. By pressing once
on the on/off key, the controller is placed in the standard drive selection mode. To place the con-
troller in power positioning mode, the mode key must be pressed down twice. The power position-
ing mode can now be selected by using the left and right directions on the joystick. The power posi-
tioning function that is selected will be highlighted on the LED Display (see chart). To operate the
selected power positioning function, the forward and reverse directions on the joystick are used. To
return to standard drive selection mode, the mode selection key must be pressed once more.
Note: Please refer to the Pride Owners Manual for complete joystick set-up and operating instructions.
Right Legrest
Left Legrest
Both Legrests
Elevating Seat
*Push forward on joystick to tilt and pull back on the joystick to recline
(i.e. operates in “auto-reversing mode”)
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7.0 Using the Power Base Joysticks
7.3 Using the Invacare MKIV A Joystick
By pulling up and releasing the toggle switch, the controller will be placed in the standard drive
selection mode. The mode indicator light will remain on in drive selection mode. To place the con-
troller in the power positioning mode (ECU/Recline), the controller must sit inactive until the mode
indicator light begins to flash, then the joystick must be tapped to the left. (For complete instructions
on the set-up and operation of the power positioning system through the joystick, please refer to the
Invacare Owners Manual). The power positioning functions may be assigned to one or more drive
modes depending on the system set-up. To select the required drive mode, the toggle switch must be
pulled up again and released. This operation will be repeated until the required drive mode light
appears. To operate the power positioning functions*, the joystick can be moved in the forward,
reverse, left and right directions. The mode indicator light will remain OFF while in the power posi-
tioning mode. To return the controller to standard drive selection mode, the controller must remain
inactive until the mode indicator light begins to flash, then the joystick may be moved once in any
*Note: The power positioning functions may be assigned to the joystick depending on the type of seat-
ing system and the users preferred set-up (eg. forward= tilt, reverse= recline, etc...) An Invacare
Programmer is required in order to program/assign the specific motor functions to the MKIV-A
Joystick. Please refer to the Invacare Manual for complete programming instructions.
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7.0 Using the Power Base Joysticks
7.4 Using the Invacare MKV- DPJ Joystick
The MK5-DPJ joystick has two programmable drive selection modes: Drive 1 and Drive 2. To select
Drive 1 mode, the toggle switch must be placed in the UP position. To select Drive 2 mode, the tog-
gle switch is placed in the MIDDLE position. The mode switch LED indicator light will be OFF when
the wheelchair is placed in either drive mode. To put the controller in the power positioning mode*
(ECU/Recline), the mode switch must be pressed. The LED indicator light will be turned ON while
in the power positioning mode. To operate the power positioning functions, the joystick can be moved
in the forward, reverse, left and right directions. (Note: power positioning functions may be assigned
to the joystick directions depending on the seating system). To return to the drive selection mode, the
mode switch must be pressed again until the LED indicator light is OFF.
*Please Note: The DPJ Joystick is a basic model joystick and has limited programming capabilities
for power positioning. Please refer to the Invacare Manual for complete programming instructions.
Drive 1, Drive 2. Off Switch
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7.0 Using the Power Base Joysticks
7.5 Using the Invacare MKV- MPJ Joystick
The MK5-MPJ joystick has four independent programmable drive selection modes: Drive 1, Drive
2, Drive 3, & Drive 4. The individual Drive modes can be selected by lifting and releasing the toggle
switch. The selected Drive mode appears in the LCD display on the joystick. Each time the toggle
switch is lifted and released it will cycle through to the next Drive mode. (i.e.; To select Drive 1 mode,
the toggle switch is lifted up once and released. To select Drive 2, the toggle switch is lifted again and
released, to select Drive 3... etc...) The controller will return back to Drive 1 after Drive 4. To operate
the power positioning system (ECU/Recline) through the joystick, a separate emergency stop
(reset) switch is typically installed. To access ECU1, tap the joystick to the left 2 times (left/left); if
ECU2 is required tap the joystick to the left 2 times and hold (left/left hold). (For complete instructions
on the set-up and operation of the power poistioning system through the joystick, please refer to the
Invacare Owners Manual). To operate the power positioning functions, the joystick can be moved in
the forward, reverse, left and right directions. The functions may be programmed* into the joystick
depending on the type of seating system and the users preferred set-up (eg. forward= tilt, reverse=
recline, etc...) The emergency reset switch must be opened in order to return to the drive selection
*Please Note: An Invacare Programmer is required in order to program/assign the specific motor
functions to the joystick. Please refer to the Invacare Manual for complete programming instructions.
LCD Display
Drive Select/ ON/ OFF Switch
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8.0 Safety Lockout and Limit Switches
WARNING! The angle at which the limit switches are set is critical to the safe operation of
the power positioning system. Motion Concepts will not be liable for any injuries or damage
sustained when adjustments are made beyond the factory recommended range. These switch-
es should only be adjusted and set by a trained Technician.
Important: Please refer to the Motion Concepts General TRx Set-up Manual for detailed
instructions on setting and adjusting Limit Switches
Drive Lockout (DLO) Limit Switch
All TRx systems with tilt and/or recline functions are equipped with a drive lockout limit switch. This switch
prevents the drive motors from operating if the back is positioned beyond a pre-determined angle. The rec-
ommended drive lockout angle is 15° to 20° from the vertical. The limit switch should be set to the
angle that best meets the overall stability and individual needs of the user, but should not exceed the max-
imum 20° angle.
All TRx systems with power elevating seats are also equipped with a drive lockout limit switch. These sys-
tems typically use a microswitch to prevent the drive motors from operating once the seat begins to ele-
vate. The microswitch should engage the Drive Lockout when the seat actuator has been elevated beyond
a recommended 1/2” limit [measured from the seat’s home (lowest) position].
Tilt Limit Switch
All TRx systems, except those using our basic single motor function relay box, can be equipped with a tilt
limit switch. The function of this switch is to prevent the back angle from extending beyond a pre-set angle.
Ultimately the angle should be set to meet the individual needs of the user. However, the recline angle
should never extend beyond a recommended 5° from the horizontal. The limit must also be checked
to ensure that with any combination of tilt and recline, there is absolutely no possibility of interference
between the back of the TRx system (or any accessories located on the back), and the wheelchair base.
CAUTION! When setting tilt limits remember to consider the size and location of any personal gear that
will be carried on the wheelchair, as it could cause interference with tilt or recline motor functions.
Elevating Seat Lockout Switch
All TRx power elevating seat systems, when combined with tilt and/or recline functions, are equipped with
an elevating seat lockout switch. This limit switch prevents the PES actuator from elevating or descending
when the system is in a tilted or reclined position. The recommended lockout limit should not exceed a
maximum of 8° from the seating system’s original pre-tilt (“home”) position, and it is recommended to be
set between 3° and 8°.
Anti-Tipper Latch Limit Switch
Certain powerbases come equipped with anti-tip devices that latch in order to ensure stability during tilt,
recline or elevating functions. For these powerbases, our TRx systems are engineered to control and
engage the anti-tipper latch through the use of a limit switch. The recommended limit switch settings are
determined by the type of power positioning system:
i) Tilt-Only: set switch to engage the anti-tippers when seat angle is at 10° (regardless of pre-tilt angle).
ii) Tilt/Recline & Recline-Only: set switch to engage the anti-tippers when the back reclines 10° (from upright)
iii) Power Elevating Seats (PES): set switch to engage the anti-tippers when seat actuator has elevated
beyond a recommended 1/2” limit.
In some instances, an anti-tipper latching system is added to the power base as part of the installation in
order to ensure the stability of the power positioning system is maintained.
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9.0 General Maintenance & Safety
To ensure the optimal safety and reliability of your power positioning system, please adhere to the mainte-
nance schedule/table below. In addition to the maintenance schedule, please note the following mainte-
nance tasks that should be incorporated into your daily routine.
ꢀ Check that the buttons or toggles that operate your TRx system function freely
ꢀ Charge batteries (refer to the information provided in this chapter and to your powerbase Owners
Manual for details on battery charging & battery care)
To ensure your power positioning system is operating properly and safely, Motion Concepts recom-
mends a complete Dealer inspection be performed on your power positioning system every 6 months.
*Please refer to the Powerbase Owners Manual for maintenance information specific to your powerbase*
6 Months
load test batteries (individually) -see Battery Testing p.20
ensure batteries are clean (free from corrosion/ moisture/
ensure connections are tight and clean
Electrical / Wiring Harnesses
check for pinches or pulls in w iring (over full range of
seating system)
inspect for w ear & tear damage to w ires
ensure connections are secure
Actuators (where applicable)
ensure actuator rod ends are secure and pinned properly
ensure no interference/ sticking during systemoperation
(over full range of seating system)
inspect for excessive noise or grinding
Tightening & Adjustment ( hardware)
ensure that the anti-tipper latch system functions properly
(if applicable)
mounting hardw are (seating system to pow erbase)
ensure all nuts and bolts are secure
inspect that all pivot points are operating smoothly & freely
and secured (do not overtighten)
Limit Switches
check all limit sw itch settings
ensure DLO functions correctly
Glide Blocks and Track Maintenance
ensure channel is free from dirt/ dust/ grime
as needed, lightly lubricate slide channel using a non-
lithium/ non-aerosol cleaner (eg. AGS- Sil Glyde Brake
TRD0000, TRx Owner’s Manual- Rev. 5.0, January 20, 2005
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9.0 General Maintenance & Safety
Important: To maintain the smooth operation of your TRx Power Positioning System, occassional
lubrication of the slide channels and/or the Power Elevating Seat (PES) actuator* is necessary. All Motion
Concepts Seating Systems are pre-lubricated at the factory using Sil-Glyde® Brake Lubricant . Testing has
proven this lubricant to be extremely effective in our system applications. Motion Concepts strongly dis-
courages the use of any other grease or lubricants. A packet of Sil-Glyde® Brake Lubricant (P/N- TRM0464)
is provided with each TRx Seating System (additional lubricant is available from Motion Concepts).
i) Slide Channel Lubrication
ii) PES Actuator Lubrication
Slide Channel
*Note- applies to part numbers:
TRC0198; TRC0199; TRC0200
Lubricate the power elevating seat
(PES) actuator as needed by
applying a thin coat of Sil-Glyde® to
the surface of the riser tube.
Low-Pro CG Sub-System
Lubricate the left & right slide channels as needed
by applying a thin coat of Sil-Glyde® to the upper
and lower surface of each slide channel.
WARNING! For detailed information on charging your powerbase batteries, please be certain to read and
carefully follow the instructions provided by the powerbase manufacturer and the battery charger manufacturer.
Important Information on Battery Charging:
DO NOT use the CHARGE LEVEL INDICATOR on a JOYSTICK DISPLAY to determine the existing battery
charge. The joystick display indicates SURFACE VOLTAGE only, and may not be the true charge. (This can
be likened to charging a cell phone; if placed on its charger for a brief time, a cell phone display will often indicate that
the batteries are fully charged, however the cell phone quickly goes dead once it is used).
Heavily depleted batteries require more time to recharge. Insufficient charge time may result in the supply of LOW
VOLTAGE BATTERY OUTPUT to the electronics of the power positioning system. Low voltage output can pro-
duce LONGER DUTY-CYCLES and OVERHEATING, which will REDUCE THE LIFE-CYCLE of these electronics.
Recommended Charging Procedures:
Allow 8 hours for normal charging. (Note: to prolong the life of a battery frequent charging is recommended,
rather than only charging when necessary).
Severly discharged batteries may require in excess of 16 hours to be properly charged and equalized.
(Note: be certain to understand the charge status indicators on the battery charger- refer to the charger manual).
Note: Smaller ON-BOARD CHARGERS are NOT SUFFICIENT to recharge rehab-style power products.
Batteries that require more frequent charging or take longer to charge than normal, may need to be replaced.
TRD0000, TRx Owner’s Manual- Rev. 5.0, January 20, 2005
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9.0 General Maintenance & Safety
Drag second lead across
battery case
i) Battery Case Draw Test
1. Inspect battery for signs of corrosion, moisture and/or dirt that could
lead to unnecessary discharge of the battery.
2. Test with Voltmeter by placing one lead on the Positive (+) battery
3. Drag the other lead across the battery case (in different locations).
4. Voltmeter should read 0 (zero) if the battery is not discharging
Place lead on positive terminal
ii) No Load Voltage Testing
Test to determine the state of charge of the battery. Refer to the illustration below for testing instructions.
WARNING! Never attempt a voltage measurement with a test lead in the AMP (A) or MILLIAMP
(mA) input terminal. You may be injured or cause damage to the voltmeter.
TRD0000, TRx Owner’s Manual- Rev. 5.0, January 20, 2005
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10.0 Troubleshooting Guide
Probable Cause
System tilted/ elevated beyond the
Return seating system to neutral (home)
Wheelchair power is ON, but
system does not Drive
Drive Lockout (DLO) angle
Drive Motors not engaged
Low batteries
Engage Drive Motors
Check/ Charge/ Replace Batteries
Seating System is not
Check cable connections/ Check cable
ties (too tight/ too loose)
Loose/ Faulty electrical connection
Blown fuse
Inspect/ Replace fuse.
Check cable connections/ Check cable
ties (too tight/ too loose)
Loose/ Faulty electrical connection
Faulty Power Harness
Intermittent Seating System
functions (day to day, during tilt,
during recline…)
Check/ Replace Power Harness
Check/ Replace mercury switch
Check/ Replace Battery
Faulty Mercury Switch
Spongy Battery (fluctuating charge)
Relay box not programmed correctly
Mercury Switch is not set-up properly
Faulty Mercury Switch
Check the relay box configuration guide
and verify dip switch/ jumper settings.
Drive Lockout (DLO) is not
Adjust Mercury Switch.
Check/ Replace mercury switch
Adjust Mercury Switch.
DLO red indicator light does not
light up
Mercury Switch is not set-up properly
Incorrect switch settings in relay box
Incorrect wiring connections
Loose/ faulty electrical connection
Faulty limit switch
Check dip switch/ jumper settings in relay
box (refer to the Configuration Guide)
DLO red indicator light is ON,
but no lockout
Check connections.
Check connections.
Limit switch not functioning
Check/ Replace limit switch
Adjust Limit Switch
Limit switch is not set-up properly
Faulty limit switch
Check/ Replace limit switch
Adjust Limit Switch.
System only operates in one
Limit switch is not set-up properly
Low Voltage/ Battery not charged
Joystick not plugged in
Test system power cable using Voltmeter/
Charge batteries (Lazarus)
Inspect cable connection
Turn on power to the Joystick via the
Joystick will not function
Joystick not turned on
Blown base fuse
Inspect/ Replace fuse
Adjust harness/ cable position to prevent
Pinched switch harness
Tilt/Recline actuator keeps
Stuck switch
Inspect/ Repair / Replace switch
1st - oil pivot(s)
2nd- lightly grease pivot(s) (AGS-Sil Glyde)
Pivot point(s) sticking
System 'squeaks' during
actuator functions
Slide channel sticking
lightly grease channels (eg. AGS-Sil Glyde)
*Note: For further assistance on these or any other issues, contact our Technical Service Department at 888-433-6818.
TRD0000, TRx Owner’s Manual- Rev. 5.0, January 20, 2005
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11.0 Electro-Magnetic Interference
Electromagnetic Interference Warning
WARNING! It is very important that you read this information regarding the possible
effects of electromagnetic interference on your TRx power positioning system.
In addition, operation of power positioning systems can create electro-magnetic interfer-
ence, the effect of which cannot be determined. Please make sure to read the associated
warnings in the owner's manual for your power base.
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) From Radio Wave Sources
Power positioning systems may be susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI), which is interfering
electromagnetic energy (EM) emitted from sources such as radio stations, TV stations, amateur radio
(HAM) transmitters, two way radios and cellular phones. The interference (from radio wave sources) can
cause the power positioning system to function by itself, or activate in unintended directions. It can also
permanently damage the control system.
The intensity of the interfering EM energy can be measured in volts per meter (V/m). Each power posi-
tioning system can resist EMI up to a certain intensity. This is called its "immunity level", the higher the
immunity level, the greater the protection. At this time, current technology is capable of achieving at least
a 20 V/m immunity level, which would provide useful protection from the more common sources of radiat-
ed EMI.
There are a number of sources of relatively intense electromagnetic fields in the everyday environment. Some
of these sources are obvious and easy to avoid. Others are not apparent and exposure is unavoidable.
The sources of radiated EMI can be broadly classified into three types:
1. Hand-held portable transceivers (transmitters-receivers with the antenna mounted directly on the trans-
mitting unit) - examples include: cellular telephones, citizen band (CB) radios,"walkie-talkies", security, fire
and police transceivers and other personal communication devices. NOTE: Some cellular telephones and
similar devices transmit signals while they are "ON", even when they are not being used.
2. Medium range mobile transceivers, such as those used in police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, and taxis.
These usually have the antennae mounted on the outside of the vehicle.
3. Long range transmitters and transceivers, such as commercial broadcast transmitters (radio and TV
broadcast antenna towers) and amateur (HAM) radios.
Note: Other types of hand held devices, such as cordless phones, laptop computers, AM/FM radios, TV
sets, CD players, cassette players, and small appliances such as electric shavers and hair dryers, so far
as we know, are not likely to cause EMI problems to your power wheelchair.
TRD0000, TRx Owner’s Manual- Rev. 5.0, January 20, 2005
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11.0 Electro-Magnetic Interference
Electromagnetic Interference Warning ............................................. continued
Because EM energy rapidly becomes more intense as one moves closer to the transmitting antenna
(source) , the EM fields from hand-held radio wave sources (transceivers) are of special concern. It is pos-
sible to unintentionally bring high levels of EM energy very close to the control system while using these
WARNING!: The warnings listed below are recommended to prevent possible interference
with the control system of the power positioning system.
Do not turn on personal communications devices, such as cellular phones, or operate hand-
held transceivers (transmitters, receivers), such as citizens band (CB) radios, while the pow-
ered wheelchair is turned on.
Be aware of nearby transmitters, such as radio or TV stations, and try to avoid coming close
to them
If unintended movement occurs, turn the wheelchair off as soon as it is safe to do so.
Be aware that adding accessories or components, or modifying the power positioning sys-
tem may make it more susceptible to EMI. Note: There is no easy way to evaluate their effect
on the overall immunity of the powered wheelchair.
Report all incidents of unintended movement of the power positioning system to the manu-
facturer, and note whether there is a source of EMI nearby.
CAUTION! Modification of any kind to the electronics of the power positioning system as
manufactured by Motion Concepts may adversely affect the radio frequency interference
immunity (RFI) levels.
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12.0 Disclaimer and Warranty Information
Motion concepts makes no claims as to the therapeutic effectiveness of the products. Our only claims
relate to the ability of the products to provide safe and reliable powered repositioning on the equipment onto
which they are installed.
Limited Warranty
All structural components manufactured by Motion Concepts are warranted to be free from defects in mate-
rials and workmanship for the lifetime of the original owner. Actuators and electronic components are war-
ranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of two years. If during the warran-
ty period, any component is determined, at the sole discretion of Motion Concepts, to be defective, such
component will be repaired or replaced at the option of Motion Concepts.
The sole obligation of Motion Concepts under this warranty shall be to repair or replace any component or
components which are found to be defective. For warranty service, contact the dealer from which the sys-
tem was purchased. The purchaser of the product is responsible for returning the product to the dealer.
Any defective component, once replaced under warranty, shall become the property of Motion Concepts.
If further service is required, contact Motion Concepts USA at 1-888-433-6818 or Motion Concepts Canada
at 905-695-0134.
Limitations and Exclusions
The foregoing warranty shall apply only to the original purchase and shall not apply to product subjected
to neglect, abuse, improper operation, accidental damage or improper storage. The warranty shall not
apply to products which have been modified or fitted with improper parts or components without the written
consent of Motion Concepts. The warranty shall also not apply to a product which has been damaged as
a result of unauthorized repairs and/or by circumstances not under the control of Motion Concepts.
The foregoing is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limi-
tation, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The warranty shall not be
extended beyond the duration of the expressed warranty provided herein. Motion Concepts shall not be
liable for any consequential or incidental damages whatsoever.
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusions or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or lim-
itation on the length of an implied warranty. Local laws should be reviewed to determine if the above exclu-
sions and limitations apply.
TRD0000, TRx Owner’s Manual- Rev. 5.0, January 20, 2005
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