JJeennsseenn NNaavv::LLiinnkk 440000WW
JJeennsseenn NNaavv::LLiinnkk 440000WW
44”” BBiillnnaavviiggaassjjoonn mmeedd kkaarrtt oovveerr NNoorrddeenn
44”” BBiillnnaavviiggaassjjoonn mmeedd kkaarrtt oovveerr NNoorrddeenn
MMooddeellnnoo:: NNLL440000WW
MMooddeellnnoo:: NNLL440000WW
Jensen Nav:Link 400W is a slim and styl-
ish navigation device equipped with pre-
loaded maps on SD card. No
installation or configuration is needed.
Delivering incredible performance and an
intuitive interface, Jensen Nav:Link 400W is
your ideal companion for the road ahead !
Points of Interest ( POI )
Containing millions of Point of
Interest locations. Simply select the
category of your desired location, make
your choice from the provided list and you
are ready to find just about anything you
may be looking for.
Ready out of the box
Speed Camera alert
With preloaded maps, Nav:Link requires
no additional PC-map data and is ready to
navigate out of the box.
Speed camera alert built in. Delivered by
third party, Jensen Scandinavia AS is not
responsible for the accuracy of this data-
Easy to Use
Large icons and bright display with a user
friendly touch screen!
Local language manuals
All our manuals are in your own local
Seamless Navigation
With this feature you can easily drive to
another country without the need of
changing the maps on the border.
3 months FREE hotline support in your
own local language.
Voice Navigation
Warranty / SWAP-Warranty
Turn - by - turn voice navigation in your
local language (Norwegian, Swedish,
Finnish, Danish, English and many more).
All Jensen products is being delivered with
3 warranty! In addition we offer one of the
best SWAP-Warranties on the market!
Touch Screen Interface
The easy-to-use touch screen allows easy
and smooth operation.
Specifications subject to change without prior notice
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